Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that deals with all that can be called the perception of beauty. The philosophical focus of the word aesthetics is the issues related to the production of works of art by artists and their interpretation or appreciation by those who watch, listen or read them. In short, it is all of the things experienced by the viewer of an artistic object, the listener of a composition or a poem, through his individual sensitivity.
In fact, the reason for all the innovations throughout history has been to make life easier and more beautiful. Even in prehistoric times, human beings had an aesthetic understanding that is clearly seen in the works that have survived to the present day. At the beginning of written history, aesthetic values varied greatly across cultures. However, in later periods, as communication opportunities increased between different cultures, interaction began. As cultures influenced each other, a universal understanding of aesthetics and beauty began to emerge.
The concept of aesthetics is derived from the Greek word aisthesis, which means sense or perception. In other words, the root of the word carries a meaning opposite to rational knowledge. Today, dental aesthetic practices are almost entirely based on a scientific field. In other words, dental aesthetics has almost become a scientific field on its own.
The basis of the change in dental aesthetics lies in the Renaissance thought and its achievements. One of the greatest contributions to the field of dental aesthetics being based on rational knowledge was made by German thinker Alexander Baumgarten.
In his book "Aesthetica" published in 1725, the thinker defined aesthetics as beauty and this as perfection, and was, so to speak, the person who started everything new in this field. The great German philosophers Immanuel Kant and Walter Benjamin enabled the word aesthetics to gain different meanings other than pure beauty. With the emergence of relatively easily produced visual arts such as photography and cinema in the 19th and 20th centuries, aesthetics became an indispensable element of popular culture.
Aesthetic dentistry is a special field that emerged as a result of the aesthetic revolution and has become an important social phenomenon that directs human life today. The reasons for this can be explained at length. However, it can be said that the basis of the demand for aesthetic applications is the strong interaction that people want to establish with society. Because others' perceptions of us deeply affect our psychosocial lives.
In other words, the basis of our success in school or business life lies in society's positive impression of our personality or image. Studies have confirmed that starting from kindergarten, teachers pay more attention to children with better physical appearance. Again, the results of some studies show that among candidates applying for any job, those with a better physical appearance have a higher chance of being selected.
The tremendous development and change seen in all areas of dentistry in the last 30 years has caused the concept of cosmetic dentistry to be used frequently, in addition to the term aesthetic dentistry. Undoubtedly, it is difficult to clearly define aesthetic dentistry or cosmetic dentistry. However, basically, the procedures performed in cosmetic dentistry are not procedures that help to improve any function (such as chewing more comfortably and speaking better) and are procedures that only change the appearance.
One of the best examples of cosmetic dentistry applications is dental bleaching, which is frequently applied today. Apart from teeth whitening procedures, small diamonds or diamond jewelery applied to the teeth are actually one of the cosmetic dentistry applications.
Okay, so what is cosmetic dentistry? Aesthetic dentistry, unlike cosmetic dentistry, is the name given to all applications that not only change the appearance of the teeth, but also positively affect the chewing function of the treated teeth. In other words, all practices that change or correct the functions of the teeth more or less positively while achieving an aesthetic appearance can be grouped under the definition of aesthetic dentistry.
One of the first important historical documents regarding aesthetic dentistry (cosmetic dentistry) was found on a tablet written in Assyro-Babylonian cuneiform script. In this tablet, it is prescribed which substances to add to the mixture to be used to whiten the teeth of a person with yellowed teeth, how to create this mixture and how to apply it to yellowed teeth. However, modern aesthetic dentistry is a relatively new field and its birth dates back to the mid-19th century or early 20th century.
Modern aesthetic dentistry includes the making of the first porcelain crowns (veneers),the use of materials called composites that are in tooth color and mimic the appearance characteristics of the teeth very well, bonding of restorations such as porcelain or laminate to the tooth surface with a sensitive technique, the application of whitening techniques, lithium disilicate or It has gradually improved with the development of fluoroapatite glass ceramics, the introduction of dental zirconia, and CAD-CAM applications allowing new production techniques.
Aesthetic dentistry is an indispensable parameter of facial aesthetics. According to the results of scientific studies carried out so far on facial and dental aesthetics, people who have just met first look at each other's eyes, then their noses and then their teeth. Missing teeth, especially in the front area, in the visible area, is one of the conditions that most negatively affects not only dental aesthetics but also facial aesthetics.
In our clinic, with the understanding of "primum non nocere" which is accepted as the first principle in all medical practices and means "first, do no harm" in Latin, increased hygiene measures are applied to ensure that our patients and their families do not get harmed during the ongoing pandemic.
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10.11.2023The Dentist Who Saves You From Your Fears Hello, I ask you to read to the end. Until I was 55 years old, I could not sit in a dentist'{...}
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