In dentistry, all devices produced using biocompatible artificial materials to eliminate aesthetic, functional, or speech-related problems resulting from tooth and surrounding tissue losses are called prostheses.
Losses of organs or tissues that occur in an organism can be corrected by several different methods. One of these methods is the transfer of tissues taken from another part of the patient's body to the affected area. This process is called reconstruction.
Another method is the treatment carried out by the transfer of tissues or organs taken from another individual to the patient. This treatment method is called transplantation.
Another method, which is especially commonly used in dentistry, is the correction of problems resulting from tooth loss using high biocompatible artificial materials. This method is called rehabilitation.
In dentistry, there are 3 basic types of prostheses: removable prostheses, fixed prostheses, and maxillofacial prostheses. These categories can be further divided into several subtypes:
In dentistry, removable dentures can be generally classified into two categories: complete dentures and removable partial dentures.
Full dentures are a type of removable prosthesis applied to patients who have lost all of their teeth in their mouth. These prostheses consist of artificial teeth placed on a base that resembles the color of the gums.
Artificial teeth used in full dentures can be made of either acrylic or porcelain. There are some advantages and disadvantages of acrylic and porcelain artificial teeth compared to each other.
Acrylic is a commonly used polymer in dentistry. Acrylic artificial teeth absorb a certain amount of the forces generated during chewing, which reduces the force transmitted to the patient's tissues. Therefore, less bone resorption is expected in full dentures made with acrylic artificial teeth.
On the other hand, the chewing forces cannot be absorbed in porcelain artificial teeth, and they are directly transmitted to the patient's jawbone. Therefore, more bone resorption is expected in full dentures made with porcelain artificial teeth.
However, the porcelain artificial teeth used in full dentures are much more aesthetic than acrylic artificial teeth. In addition, porcelain artificial teeth do not discolor over time, while acrylic, being a polymer material, absorbs color pigments and discolors.
There are many advantages and disadvantages to be said when comparing acrylic and porcelain artificial teeth used in full dentures. Therefore, which artificial teeth to use in full dentures should be determined by the joint decision of the doctor, the patient, and their relatives, taking into account the patient's current oral condition and preferences.
Since full dentures have no teeth in the patient's mouth, they rely solely on the support of the mucosa and remain in the mouth by attaching to it. Therefore, a retention problem can almost always arise, especially in prostheses that have not been made with sufficient care.
Even if they are made very carefully, in some cases, the volume of the tissues in the patient's mouth has decreased so much that it becomes difficult for the prostheses to stay in place, especially while eating. In such cases, several dental implants placed in the upper and lower jaw can significantly facilitate the use of prostheses by helping them stay in place. These types of prostheses are called implant-supported overdenture prostheses.
Implant-supported full dentures (implant-supported overdenture prostheses) can increase the patient's chewing efficiency by up to 3 times. The patient's speech can imitate the phonation that occurs in the presence of natural teeth. With implant-supported overdenture prostheses, even the most complex aesthetic situations can be improved more easily than with any other prosthesis type. Because in full denture patients, both tooth loss and jawbone resorption usually cause the facial lines to become more prominent.
In fact, some lines, lips, and cheeks that provide an extraordinary aesthetic appearance to our faces become deeper due to loss of tooth and tissue support and turn into formations called grooves (sulcus) that disrupt aesthetics. Even the most complicated aesthetic situations can be corrected better with implant-supported full dentures (implant-supported overdenture) than with traditional full dentures. Therefore, implant-supported full dentures (implant-supported overdenture) can enhance the patient's confidence more than traditional full dentures.
Removable dentures are prostheses that are applied to patients who have lost some but not all of their teeth in the mouth and therefore have partial tooth deficiency. These prostheses are usually attached to the existing teeth in the mouth with elements called hooks (hook-like metal prosthesis element). Except in some cases, they are generally more useful than complete dentures. However, in these prostheses, the retaining crochet parts can adversely affect dental aesthetics.
The reason for the negative impact on dental aesthetics is the metallic colour of the clasps. Especially the clasps applied to the front teeth can adversely affect dental aesthetics. In addition, when these types of prostheses are not well planned and manufactured, they can cause great damage to the teeth they hold or support. The most important of these is that the force exerted on these teeth by the clasps attached to the support teeth can cause these teeth to tip over, the teeth to begin to wobble and eventually to recede.
Despite some disadvantages, in some cases where tooth or implant-supported bridge prostheses cannot be made, there is no other option but removable partial dentures.
It is difficult to give an exact expiry date for the lifespan of removable prostheses. This is because the lifespan of dentures is closely related to many factors that vary from person to person.
One of these factors is the importance the patient attaches to the cleanliness of the dentures and the inside of the mouth. Another is closely related to the patient's oral condition. The absence of bone protrusions in the patient's mouth, the adequate thickness of the mucosa covering the bone and on which the prosthesis is placed, and the chewing force produced by the patient's chewing muscles are among the factors that most affect the duration of use of a removable prosthesis.
Even some systemic diseases of the patient affect the duration of use of the prosthesis. For example, in individuals with osteoporosis, if bone resorption continues rapidly after the prosthesis is made, a gap is formed between the part of the prosthesis that is placed in the tissue and the tissues, and this makes it very difficult to use the prosthesis. These and other factors greatly affect the duration of use of the prosthesis.
Jawbone resorption is a process that continues after a certain age, just like hair loss. Even if the person does not have a systemic disease, the jaw bones will definitely lose their volume and mineral density at a certain rate after a certain age.
If the existing prostheses are used for a very long time, the process of bone resorption that normally occurs can accelerate and become pathological. For this reason, it is the best option for removable prosthesis users to have periodic checks at regular intervals and to make a decision together with the physician about the replacement time of the prosthesis.
In patients who have previously used a removable prosthesis and have had a new prosthesis fitted to replace an old one, the adjustment period is usually short, provided that the prosthesis has been well planned and manufactured. The reason for this short adaptation period is the inevitable small differences in the construction between the old and the new prosthesis.
If a removable prosthesis is fitted to a patient who has never used a removable prosthesis before, it may take a longer time to get used to the new prosthesis. One reason for this is that removable dentures are bulkier than fixed dentures.
When these bulky prostheses are first placed in the mouth, the harmonised functioning of the mucosa, tongue, masticatory muscles and jaw joint in the use of the prosthesis is extremely important. In some individuals, this can be achieved in a very short period of time, whereas in others, the harmonious functioning of the entire system requires a longer period of time.
However, in any case, after a new removable prosthesis is applied to the patient's mouth, a period of 3 weeks is usually sufficient for comfortable chewing, swallowing and speaking. There are two main reasons for the difficulty in getting used to a removable prosthesis even after many months.
One of these is errors that are overlooked during the construction of the prosthesis. The other is that, no matter how well the removable prosthesis is made, some oral conditions make it difficult to use the prosthesis.
There are many types of fixed prosthesis in dentistry. However, regardless of the type, a fixed prosthesis is the name given to crown and bridge prostheses that cannot be removed from the mouth by the patient, but can be removed from the mouth by the dentist.
Whether or not to use a metal substructure in production is decided by considering the aesthetic and other needs of the patient. The main reason for producing a veneer or bridge with a metal substructure is that more durable veneers or bridges can be obtained in this way. The main reason why a veneer or bridge is produced entirely from porcelain is that all-porcelain veneers and bridges have a more aesthetic appearance.
Compared to porcelain crowns and bridges produced using metal substructure, the reason why veneers and bridges made entirely of porcelain are more aesthetic is that metal does not pass light, whereas dental porcelain, just like enamel and dentin tissue (especially enamel),passes light at certain rates.
In veneers and bridges made of dental porcelain processed on structures such as metal, where light does not pass through, if careful laboratory work is not performed, the metal infrastructure can easily cast a shadow under the porcelain. However, in veneers and bridges made entirely of porcelain, the light exhibits a light transmittance similar to that of the dentin and especially the enamel layer. Therefore, the appearance of the veneer or bridge is exactly the same as a living natural tooth.
The two most commonly used materials for the production of fully porcelain restorations today are e.max and zirconium. E.max is produced from a material called lithium disilicate, while zirconium is produced by special processes and turned into zirconia material used in dentistry.
Crown and bridge prostheses are types of prosthesis that completely cover natural teeth or implant abutments. However, for various reasons, restorations that cover part of the natural teeth are also used. The most important of these are applications called lamina (leaf) porcelain.
Fixed dentures are the most similar to natural teeth among all types of restorations that can replace missing teeth, aesthetics or loss of material in tooth tissue.
They are very similar to natural teeth in both appearance and function. Fixed crowns and bridges are attached to natural teeth with various adhesive cements and only a dentist can remove a well-made fixed crown from the natural tooth.
In some cases, well-made crowns and bridges can be removed with great difficulty even by dentists. For this reason, it is possible to chew very effectively with fixed prosthetic teeth, just like with natural teeth.
With fixed dentures, we can therefore eat all the foods that we can eat with our natural teeth. However, it is of course not suitable to break the shells of nuts such as walnuts and hazelnuts with natural teeth or with a fixed crown or bridge.
Lamina (yaprak) porselenlerin tarihçesi, diş hekimliğinde belki de en ilginç hikayelerinden birini barındırmaktadır. Sinemanın çok popüler bir eğlence aracı ya da büyük bir endüstri haline gelmeye başladığı 1900’lu yılların hemen başında, henüz sesli filmler üretilememekteydi.
Sesli filmler üretilemediğinden ve filmlere alt yazı eklenmesi henüz mümkün olmadığından, izleyiciler, bu erken ama hızlı gelişen dönem boyunca, aktör ve aktristlerin yüz mimiklerin çok dikkatli bir şekilde takip ederdi. Ancak, yüz mimikleri yanında, oyuncuların neler konuştuğu konusunda bir tahminde bulunabilmek için, dudaklar da çok yakından izlenirdi. Yani, 1900’lu yılların başlarında, sinema yıldızlarının saç şekilleri ya da makyajlarından daha önemli bir fenomen ortaya çıkmıştı; dudak bölgeleri sıkı takip altına alınan oyuncuların diş sağlığı...
Oysa, sinema endüstrisinin kalbi olan A.B.D gibi gelişmiş ülkelerde bile, endüstriyel ve şekerli gudaların çok yüksek oranda tüketilmesi nedeniyle 20. yüzyılın hemen başında, sadece ortalama bir bireyin değil, büyük yıldızların bile diş sağlıkları oldukça kötüydü.
Ne var ki, sinemada izleyiciler, oyuncuların en fazla dudak bölgesine konsantre olmuşlardı ve aktör ya da aktristlerin çok büyük bir kısmında mevcut olan kötü diş sağlığının saklanması gerekiyordu. 1920’li yıllarda Kaliforniya’nın en ünlü diş hekimi Dr. Charles Pincus’tu ve Pincus, çok sayıda sinema yıldızının özel doktoruydu. Yapımcı ve stüdyo sahiplerinin de diş hekimliğini yapan Dr. Pincus’a, en azından çekimler boyunca, sinema oyuncularının kullanabileceği ve çekimlerin hemen ardından çıkartılabilecek, çok daha iyi bir dental estetiği sağlayabilecek sihirli bir tedavi için inanılmaz bir baskı yapıldı.
Çok yetenekli olduğu bilinen Dr. Pincus, bir polimer materyal olan akrilik malzeme kullanarak, çekimler sırasında oyuncuların ön dişlerinin dış yüzlerini tamamen kaplayacak ve bir miktar dişe tutunabilecek ince kaplamalar yaptı. Böylece Dr. Pincus, hem ilk lamina porselenleri üretti hem de Hollywood Smile adı verilen yeni bir dental estetik anlayışının mimarı oldu.
Lamina porselen ya da lamina veneer olarak isimlendirilen restorasyonlar, doğal dişlerin sadece dudağa ya da yanağa bakan dış yüzlerini kaplayan restorasyonlara verilen isimdir. Lamina veneerler, çok ince şekillendirilen ve tamamen porselenden üretilen restorasyonlardır.
Lamina veneerler ya da lamina porselenler, beyazlatma işlemleriyle yeterince beyazlatılamayan dişlerin dış yüzlerine uygulanarak, çok daha açık renkli, canlı ve doğal görünüme sahip dişlerin elde edilmesinde kullanılırlar.
Lamina veneer ya da lamina porselenler, ortodontik tedavinin tercih edilmediği, özellikle ön bölgede oluşan diş çapraşıklıklarının ya da düzensizliklerinin giderilmesinde de sık sık kullanılırlar.
Lamina veneer ya da lamina porselenler sık kullanıldığı durumlardan diğer, özellikle ön bölgede, gülme hattında, hemen gözlenebilen dişler arasında oluşmuş açıklıkların kapatılmasıdır. Aslında, sağlıklı bir ağızda, hem ön hem de arka grup dişler, birbirine sıkıca temas etmelidir. Dişler arasındaki boşluklar, dişeti çekilmesi ve çene kemiği erimesiyle birlikte, oldukça kötü bir estetiğe neden olabilirler. Diastema adı verilen bu boşlukların kapatılmasında en sık kullanılan restorasyon tipi lamina veneer veya lamina porselen adı verilen bu uygulamalardır.
Lamina veneer ya da lamina porselenlerin kullanıldığı bir başka durum, dişlerin büyüklüklerinin dudaklar ve yüzle orantılı olmadığı, dişlerin genellikle çok küçük şekillendiği, bu nedenle birey gülümsese bile üst ön dişlerin çok az bir kısmının göründüğü durumlardır. Bu tip durumlarda, ön grup dişler ve yan grup dişlerin boyutları hem dudaklarla hem de yüz ile uyumlu hale getirilmelidir. Bu işlemde en sık kullanılan restorasyon türü ise, lamina veneer ya da lamina restorasyon adı verilen uygulamalardır.
Lamina veneer ya da lamina porselen adı verilen uygulamalar için, diğer sabit restorasyonlarda olduğundan çok daha az bir küçültme yapılır. O da dişin, dudağa ya da yanağa bakan dış yüzlerinde, yani dişin tek bir yüzünde gerçekleştirilir.
Oysa, diğer sabit protezlerin bazılarında, diş bir bütün halinde tüm yüzlerinden küçültülür. Ayrıca lamina veneer ya da lamina restorasyonlarda, 0.3-0.5 mm’lik bir küçültme genellikle yeterlidir. Bu küçültme, dişler için hiçbir yan etki oluşturmaz. Bu küçültme işleminde, genellikle anestezi de yapılmaz. İşlem bittiğinde, doğaldişlerdeki kötü renk görünümü, diş çapraşıklıkları, dişler arasındaki boşluklar kolayca kapatılabilir. Genellikle tüm işlemler 24 saat gibi kısa bir süre içinde tamamlanır ve hasta yepyeni bir gülüşe kavuşur.
Zirconium is the 20th most abundant element in nature. The element zirconium was first discovered in 1789 by Martin Heinrich Klaproth. So before, the existence of zirconium was not known. Although it was discovered by Klaproth, it was only possible to isolate the element zirconium in its pure form with the efforts of Jons Jakob Berzelius in 1824.
The symbol of the element zirconium is Zr.
Zirconium is widely used in the aerospace industry, medical and dental applications.
Zirconium is used in dentistry by processing it into ZrO2, i.e. from the pure elemental state (Zr) into a ceramic compound. Zirconium, which is used in dentistry and medical applications, turns into a ceramic when bound with oxygen. Because the general name of the new compounds formed by combining a metal element with a nonmetal such as oxygen is ceramics.
When elemental zirconium (Zr) is combined with oxygen and converted into ZrO2 structure, this new structure is called zirconia. In other words, the ceramic used in dentistry is actually called zirconia. However, zirconia, which has become the most popular material in the last 20 years of dentistry, is sometimes incorrectly called zirconia. Zirconia is a structure (ZrSiO4) formed by the dispersion of the element zirconium in a silicate (glassy structure). Zircon, which is not actually used in dentistry, is a semi-precious stone and is used in the jewellery industry. Unfortunately, from time to time, zirconia material is also incorrectly referred to as zirconia.
One of the most important reasons why zirconia is widely used in dentistry or medical applications is that zirconia, which is formed after bonding with oxygen, is an extremely durable material. Zirconia is such a durable material that it was named 'ceramic steel' by a researcher named Garvie. Because the strength of this material is, in most cases, even superior quality steel. However, this is not the only reason why oxygen-bonded zirconia is used in dentistry.
What makes zirconium an extraordinary dental material is both the extreme durability of the zirconia material formed as a result of the bonding of zirconium with oxygen and its ability to transmit light at certain rates. As mentioned before, dental layers such as dentin and especially enamel transmit light at certain rates, creating an image that is difficult to imitate. Zirconium (zirconia) also transmits light at certain rates unlike other metals.
Especially in the last generation zirconia materials, light transmittance has increased significantly compared to the first generation. What makes zirconium (zirconia) a very suitable dental material is that it is very durable and its ability to transmit light at certain rates, but another feature is at least as important as these two. Because zirconium has a white appearance like tooth structures. This feature is a feature that no other metal has.
Today, it is possible to make fixed restorations in the form of veneers or bridges on both natural teeth and implant supports using zirconium (zirconia). They are tooth-coloured and light-permeable like tooth tissues!
The use of zirconium (zirconia) in crown and bridge prostheses started in 2001. The first dental zirconium (dental zirconia) materials developed around this time are called 1st generation zirconia. 1st generation zirconia had a very limited light transmittance and even an almost opaque appearance. However, since it is both durable and has a white colour, 1st generation zirconia has started to be used very frequently.
The studies carried out to increase the light transmission ability of dental zirconium (zirconia) came to fruition between 2013 and 2014. In these years, by making some minor changes in the structure, dental zirconium (zirconia) material that transmits light at a higher rate was produced. The 1st and 2nd generation dental zirconia material is used as a strong and white-coloured substitute for metal, just like metal-supported porcelain veneers and bridges. In other words, a substructure was produced from dental zirconium (zirconia) and a porcelain similar to traditional dental porcelain was processed on this substructure.
Although the dental zirconium (zirconia) substructure offers both a white appearance, high strength and some light transmission, although not much, the reason for processing traditional dental porcelain on it was to increase the light transmission much more and to capture the vivid appearance of the natural tooth.
Until 2018, a greater progress was made in the studies carried out and the 3rd generation dental zirconium (zirconia) material was discovered. Although this new zirconia material has the same colour and durability characteristics as the 1st and 2nd generation, it has a very important difference.
Much more light transmission! Since this new material has a much higher light transmittance, the requirement for dental porcelain on the substructure, which was required for the 1st and 2nd generations, has been eliminated. Thus, the extraordinary material called monolithic zirconia, which is a single piece without any other layer on it, was made available to dentists.
The term Hollywood smile is a very popular dental aesthetic concept today, attributed to the great master Dr Charles Pincus. In the 1920s, Dr Pincus, who practised dentistry in California, the heart of the cinema industry, had an extraordinary list of patients. Dr Pincus was the doctor of the most famous adult actors such as James Dean and Joan Crawford, as well as child stars such as Shirley Temple.
Although she was still a child, Shirley Temple, who became one of the biggest stars of Hollywood and shot many films, started to lose her milk teeth between the ages of about 6-9. It became impossible for the star, whose front milk teeth fell out, to shoot films in this way until her permanent teeth came out.
Dr Pincus produced acrylic teeth that would restore Shirley Temple's dental and facial aesthetics, which she had lost due to the loss of her baby teeth, during filming, making them look brand new, healthy, vibrant, very symmetrical and white. The dentition produced by Dr Pincus, similar to the teeth of a Hollywood star with healthy, white, vibrant and very symmetrical teeth, has been called the Hollywood Smile ever since.
Hollywood smile has become a dental aesthetic cult that many individuals want to achieve today. One of the most effective reasons for this is the increasing importance of facial aesthetics since the beginning of the 20th century.
The results of recently published scientific studies show that individuals with a sincere smile are more accepted than other individuals. Likewise, it has been shown that individuals with an attractive appearance find jobs much more easily, receive higher salaries, are promoted earlier, and are more frequently recognised by their managers than similarly educated but less attractive individuals. In addition, good dental aesthetics combined with an attractive appearance enables individuals to smile more sincerely, and such individuals have higher self-confidence.
Individuals with strong dental aesthetics, white and healthy teeth, and symmetrical tooth alignments create a stronger and greater sense of confidence in other individuals.
Hollywood smile applications can cause positive changes in the social life of individuals with crooked, dark-coloured, unsymmetrical teeth before treatment.
In Hollywood smile applications, the most commonly used materials are ceramic materials such as dental zirconium (zirconia) and lithium disilicate (e.max).
CAD-CAM is a production method developed in the early 1980s in order to be an alternative to the traditional production method, which has been used in dentistry for about 120 years, and to solve the problems and problems arising in the traditional production method.
The most important problems of the traditional production method are that it requires relatively much longer time, the production stages are too many, the restoration obtained is highly affected by the skills and knowledge of dental technicians or dental technicians who perform the production processes, and therefore the restorations may contain more margin of error.
The word CAD-CAM is formed by the abbreviation of Computer Aided Design - Computer Aided Manufacturing. In other words, it means Computer Aided Design - Computer Aided Manufacturing.
In the traditional manufacturing method, the design of the veneer or bridge is carried out entirely with hand tools, while in the CAD-CAM technique, the design is carried out virtually in the CAD part, on a computer and a dental CAD software installed on the computer for this purpose.
In the traditional production technique, the technician designs on plaster models, while in the CAD-CAM technique, the technician is virtually produced using the tools of this software after the patient's intraoral image is transferred to the CAD software.
In the CAD-CAM technique, the patient's intraoral situation is made into a virtual model directly from the patient's mouth using intraoral scanners or in the laboratory using extraoral scanners.
The virtual modelled oral cavity is transferred to CAD software. In the CAD software, virtual veneers or virtual bridges are created on the teeth on the virtual model by using the software's library and other tools. After this process is completed, the digital data of the virtual veneers or virtual bridges are transferred to the CAM unit.
The CAM unit is usually a scraper. The scraper ends of the CAM unit are fitted with very sharp milling cutters to be used in the engraving process. At the same time, the CAD-CAM block in which the milling is to be performed and the crown or bridge prosthesis is to be produced is also required. After the CAD-CAM block has been installed just below the milling cutters, the CAM unit moves the milling cutters over the block to be milled with the commands of the digital data of the virtual veneer or virtual bridge and the restoration is produced in this way.
IPS e.max CAD is one of the most commonly used restorative dental materials in smile design today. IPS e.max CAD is a glass ceramic with a lithium disilicate (LS2) content. The IPS e.max CAD material has very good light transmission properties and can successfully reflect all the appearance characteristics of a natural tooth. The IPS e.max CAD material can be successfully used for crowns on anterior and posterior group teeth.
IPS e.max CAD is, as the name suggests, a CAD-CAM production technology material, i.e. a CAD-CAM block. IPS e.max CAD is sold as CAD-CAM blocks in different colours. The IPS e.max CAD block suitable for the patient's chosen tooth colour is selected and the restoration is made with it.
Using IPS e.max CAD CAD-CAM blocks, lamina restorations, veneers or anterior bridge prostheses can be made in a very short time (24 hours).
IPS e.max Press is another dental material frequently used in smile design applications. IPS e.max Press, like IPS e.max CAD blocks, is a glass ceramic with a lithium disilicate (LS2) content. However, whereas IPS e.max CAD blocks are used in the CAD-CAM manufacturing technique, IPS e.max Press ingots are produced by pressing under heat.
Compared to restorations produced with the CAD-CAM fabrication technique using IPS e.max CAD blocks, there are studies reporting that restorations produced by pressing under heat with IPS e.max Press ingots fit the tooth with a greater fit, but there are also studies reporting that there is no difference between the fit of laminae and other restorations produced with both fabrication techniques.
One of the biggest differences between dental zirconia and e.max is that the fracture strength of dental zirconia is higher than that of e.max material. Another important difference is that the light transmission properties of e.max material are still higher than dental zirconia.
In addition, while it is not possible to make lamina restorations with dental zirconium (zirconia),very successful laminates can be made using e.max blocks or ingots.
Metal-supported porcelains have 2 major advantages. Firstly, compared to full ceramics such as lithium disilicate or dental zirconium (zirconia),the cost is lower. The other important advantage of metal-supported porcelain veneers and bridges is that they have higher strength than dental zirconium (zirconia) and especially glass ceramics.
If dental zirconium (zirconia) is used as a substructure and a dental porcelain is processed and manufactured on it, the bond strength of zirconia and dental porcelain is lower than the bond strength between metal substructure and dental porcelain.
This means that dental porcelain can, for some reason, adhere better to the metal substrate in metal-supported ceramics than in zirconia. When dental porcelain is processed on dental zirconium (zirconia) substructure, the separation of dental porcelain from zirconia was quite high, especially in the early periods of use.
Developments up to the present day have increased the strength of the connection between dental zirconia and dental porcelain, but it would not be wrong to say that in metal-supported ceramics, the metal infrastructure and dental porcelain have a stronger connection.
Removable dentures cannot be used like fixed dentures. While some or all removable dentures are placed on soft mucous membranes, fixed dentures are placed on teeth or implant supports.
Maintaining the health of the soft tissues cannot be achieved simply by keeping microorganisms away as far as possible. In order for the soft tissues on which the removable prosthesis is placed to remain healthy, it is extremely important to maintain their blood supply. An uninterrupted and healthy blood flow in all tissues allows the tissues to regenerate and the side effects caused by other irritants to be eliminated by the tissue.
When removable dentures are placed in the mouth, they exert pressure on the tissues called mucosa, albeit very little, except for functions such as chewing or swallowing. This pressure is insignificant when the dentures are removed from the mouth at certain times of the day and does not jeopardise the health of the mucosa.
Studies have shown that well-made removable dentures do not cause any problems when the dentures are removed from the mouth for 8 hours every day and the mucosa is rested in this way for 8 hours.
The time required for resting the mucosa in which the removable denture is placed can best be obtained during sleep. Removing the cleaned removable dentures just before sleep and sleeping without dentures will be sufficient to protect the health of the mucosa in patients using removable dentures.
In our clinic, with the understanding of "primum non nocere" which is accepted as the first principle in all medical practices and means "first, do no harm" in Latin, increased hygiene measures are applied to ensure that our patients and their families do not get harmed during the ongoing pandemic.
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All ReviewsMy dear teachers at Dentilera Clinic; Bülent teacher, Rahşan teacher and ass. Ms. Gülay, first of all, I would like to express my endl{...}
10.11.2023The Dentist Who Saves You From Your Fears Hello, I ask you to read to the end. Until I was 55 years old, I could not sit in a dentist'{...}
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